In these days of mine for keeps I'm trying to hold on
when suddenly you're all out of reach & everything goes wrong
what we say & what we do are entirely different things
meaningless straight through the roof it's not how it should be
easy like a bird I ride the breeze my mind is falling
You're so ordinary, you're my sanctuary in the morning darling
new sensation, love vibration, heart to heart & a long goodbye
you go your way, I'll go my way, life is truer than fiction in this crazy
land of milk & honey life is just an illusion
I just don't know what to believe in, if the truth be known
suffering from soul fatigue, weathering the storm
what we say & what we do are entirely different things
world - világ
whisperings - suttogásaira
vibration - rezgés
trying - megpróbálja
truth - igazság
truer - igazabb
through - keresztül
swaying - hajladozó
straight - egyenes
storm - vihar
somebody - valaki
should - kellene
sanctuary - szentély
reach - elér
ordinary - rendes
weathering - erózió
different - különböző
illusion - illúzió
entirely - teljesen
dissolve - feloldódik
suddenly - hirtelen
believe - hinni
wrong - rossz
everything - minden
breeze - szellő
these - ezek
darling - drágám
known - ismert
vibrations - rezgések
falling - eső
crazy - őrült
fiction - kitalálás
sensation - szenzáció
morning - reggel
goodbye - viszontlátásra
heart - szív
meaningless - értelmetlen
calling - hívás
keeps - tartja
fatigue - fáradtság
mixed - vegyes
things - dolgok
suffering - szenvedő
honey - édesem
light - fény
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