In the town of Athy one Jeremy Lanigan
Battered away till he hadn´t a pound
And his father he died and made him a man again,
Left him a farm and ten acres of ground
He gave a grand party to friends and relations
Who did not forget him when come to the wall
If you´d only listen, I´ll make your eyes glisten
At the rows and ructions of Lanigan´s ball
Myself to be sure to got free invitations
For all the nice girls and boys I might ask
In less than a minute both friends and relations
Were dancing as merry as bees round a cask
Lashing of punch and wine for the ladies
Potatoes, cakes, there was bacon and tea
There were the Nolans, Dolans, O´Grady´s
Courting the girls and dancing away
Six long months I spent in Dublin
Six long months doing nothing at all
Six long months I spent in Dublin
Learning to dance for Lanigan´s ball
They were doing all kinds of nonsensical polkas
Round the room in a whirly gig
But Julia and I soon banished their nonsense
And tipped them a twist of a real Irish jig
young - fiatal
would - lenne
tipped - hegyű
there - ott
terence - terence
swore - megesküdött
spent - költött
satisfaction - megelégedettség
round - kerek
right - jobb
ribbons - gyeplő
replied - válaszolt
relations - kapcsolatok
pound - font
really - igazán
potatoes - krumplik
three - három
their - azok
pipes - csövek
piper - dudás
nonsense - ostobaság
think - gondol
nearly - közel
myself - magamat
months - hónap
through - keresztül
minute - perc
nonsensical - képtelen
might - esetleg
merry - vidám
mchugh - mchugh
mccarthy - McCarthy
ladies - hölgyek
ceiling - mennyezet
strangled - megfojtották
punch - puncs
dance - tánc
courting - udvarlás
irish - ír
julia - julia
casey - Casey
lashing - rögzítés
glisten - csillog
weeks - hetes
cried - kiáltott
terrible - szörnyű
called - hívott
girls - lányok
kinds - féle
cakes - sütemények
acres - hold
creature - teremtmény
accident - baleset
kicked - rúgott
brooks - Brooks
learning - tanulás
couples - párok
hoops - karika
introduction - bevezetés
bellows - fújtató
academy - akadémia
around - körül
bacon - szalonna
brothers - testvérek
nothing - semmi
being - lény
dancing - tánc
listen - hallgat
doing - csinál
dublin - Dublin
entangled - összekuszált
whirly - whirly
nolans - nolans
fainted - elájult
grady - Grady
danced - táncolt
father - apa
squeezed - megszorította
forget - elfelejt
friends - barátok
hearty - tápláló
further - további
stepped - lépcsős
hullabaloo - felzúdulás
again - újra
gathered - összegyűjtött
grand - nagy
twist - csavar
happened - történt
battered - kopott
ground - talaj
groups - csoportok
party - party
invitations - meghívók
banished - száműzte
jeremy - Jeremy
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