I am a little beggarman and beggin I have been
For three score years in this little isle of green
I'm known along the Liffey from the basin to the zoo
And I'm known by the name of the Bold Johnnie Dhu
My brother called "The Jolly Beggar" tripped over the plain
He comes unto the farmer's doors a lodging for a gain
Sometimes the farmers' daughter views him cheek and chin
And calls him a handsome man and takes him in
Of all trades a going sure the begging is the best
For when a man is tired he can sit down and rest
He begs for his dinner, he has nothing else to do
But to slip around the corner with his old rigadoo
I slept last night in a barn in Currabawn
T' was a shocking wet night but I slept until the dawn
until - amíg
tripped - kioldott
tired - fáradt
there - ott
takes - vesz
story - sztori
spotted - foltos
sometimes - néha
shoes - cipő
shocking - megdöbbentő
score - pontszám
raked - jutalékos
playing - játszik
plain - egyszerű
peeping - kukkolás
night - éjszaka
lodging - szállás
views - nézetek
through - keresztül
little - kicsit
light - fény
liffey - Liffey
coming - eljövetel
cause - ok
along - mentén
fashioned - vágású
woman - nő
highroad - autópálya
collar - gallér
calls - hívások
awaken - felébred
singing - éneklés
bulging - domború
brother - fiú testvér
goggles - védőszemüveg
blouse - blúz
years - évek
around - körül
white - fehér
morning - reggel
began - kezdett
beggar - koldus
beggin - beggin
colour - szín
called - hívott
begging - könyörgés
going - haladó
beggarman - beggarman
corner - sarok
comes - jön
cheek - orca
young - fiatal
afraid - félnek
apron - kötény
dinner - vacsora
basin - mosdó
handsome - jóképű
getting - szerzés
courting - udvarlás
nothing - semmi
daughter - lánya
jolly - vidám
doors - ajtók
slept - aludt
fields - mezők
gingham - tarkán szőtt pamutszövet
flaxen - len-
frighten - megijeszt
green - zöld
three - három
known - ismert
haired - hajú
trades - ágakban
heard - hallott
holes - lyukak
house - ház
heavy - nehéz, súlyos
johnny - Johnny
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