There's a noble fleet of whalers, they're sailing from Dundee

Manned by British sailors that take them o'er the sea.

On a western ocean passage, we started on the trip

We flew along just like a song on a gallant whaling ship.

Was the second Sunday morning, just after leaving port,

We met a heavy sou'west gale and washed away our boat

It washed away our quarterdeck, our stanchions just as well,

And so we set the whole shabang a floatin' in the gale.

For the wind was on our quarter, the engines working free

There's not another whaler that sails the Arctic Sea

Can't beat the old Polina, you need not try my sons,

We challenged all both great and small from Dundee to St John's.

Art Jackman set his canvas, Fair Weather galloped steam

But Captain Guy the daring boy came plunging through the stream

And Mullins in the Husky tried to beat the bloody lot

But to beat the Old Polina was something he could not.

wives - feleségek
without - nélkül
where - ahol
western - nyugati
weather - időjárás
washed - mosott
tried - megpróbálta
through - keresztül
whole - egész
terror - terror
sweethearts - szerelme
sunday - vasárnap
daring - merész
canvas - vászon
another - egy másik
working - dolgozó
could - tudott
stream - folyam
cheap - olcsó
ocean - óceán
about - ról ről
bloody - véres
captain - kapitány
drink - ital
galloped - vágtatott
plunging - alámerítő
quarter - negyed
aurora - hajnal
sails - vitorlák
brought - hozott
manned - legénységgel
declare - kijelent
after - után
challenged - megtámadta
along - mentén
sailing - vitorlázás
british - angol
whaling - bálnavadászat
passage - átjáró, átkelés
whaler - bálnavadász hajó
arctic - sarkvidéki
great - nagy
health - egészség
heavy - nehéz, súlyos
husky - rekedt
engines - motorok
jackman - jackman
sailors - matrózok
leaving - kilépő
doubt - kétség
model - modell
whalers - bálnavadászok
terra - föld
morning - reggel
fleet - flotta
noble - nemes
something - valami
stanchions - rakonca
quarterdeck - tatfedélzetről
second - második
small - kicsi
gallant - bátor
started - indult
steam - gőz

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