Raised on songs and stories, heroes of renown
The passing tales and glories that once was Dublin Town
The hallowed halls and houses, the haunting childrens rhymes
That once was part of Dublin in the rare ould times
Ring a ring a rosey, as the light declines
I remember Dublin City in the rare ould times
My name it is Sean Dempsey, as Dublin as can be
Born hard and late in Pimlico, in a house that ceased to be
By trade I was a cooper, lost out to redundancy
Like my house that fell to progress, my trade's a memory
And I courted Peggy Dignam, as pretty as you please
A rogue and child of Mary, from the rebel Liberties
watch - néz
unyielding - hajthatatlan
sweet - édes
songs - dalok
since - mivel
royal - királyi
rogue - gazember
rhymes - mondókák
remember - emlékezik
redundancy - redundancia
glories - dicsőségéről
years - évek
hallowed - megszentelt
declines - csökken
times - alkalommal
pimlico - Pimlico
trade - kereskedelmi
dempsey - Dempsey
black - fekete
dublin - Dublin
concrete - konkrét
stories - történetek
chimes - harangjáték
passing - elhaladó
student - diák
glass - üveg
cooper - kádár
brain - agy
birmingham - Birmingham
cages - ketrecek
renown - hírnév
rebel - lázadó
please - kérem
child - gyermek
ceased - megszűnt
changing - változó
halls - csarnokok
keeps - tartja
house - ház
houses - házak
liberties - szabadságjogok
progress - haladás
haunting - kísértő
liffey - Liffey
light - fény
peggy - Peggy
longer - hosszabb
spring - tavaszi
courted - udvarolt
makes - gyártmányú
along - mentén
heroes - hősök
memories - memóriák
tales - mesék
memory - memória
nothing - semmi
childrens - gyermek
bitter - keserű
cause - ok
pillar - pillér
seems - Úgy tűnik,
pulled - húzta
gargle - gargarizál
pretty - szép
raised - emelt
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