I saw her there from afar
Her hair grey charcoal
Takes a drag from her tar
I kissed her a smile
But her blood red shot eye
Said the son never shines on closed doors
It's been eight long years since I saw
The woman who's labored
Since the day I was born
These wrinkles now face
To that cold dark damp place
wrinkles - ráncok
while - míg
there - ott
takes - vesz
steal - lop
smile - mosoly
eight - nyolc
doors - ajtók
since - mivel
sleep - alvás
again - újra
death - halál
maybe - talán
fields - mezők
labored - erőltetett
because - mert
closed - zárva
these - ezek
never - soha
years - évek
where - ahol
blood - vér
kissed - megcsókolta
comes - jön
night - éjszaka
place - hely
woman - nő
hurricanes - hurrikánok
green - zöld
charcoal - faszén
flickering - pislákoló
shines - ragyog
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