Joe rey came from Spain
Across the ocean in the frozen rain
And he loves point point pointin the finger
Joe rey stoned all day two hair dressers, and a chevrolet
For a while I think Joe Reys gonna linger
Joe rey, is not so pretty,
I can understand why he is so in demand
He stays out late in the city sometimes, sometimes
words - szavak
while - míg
think - gondol
three - három
stoned - kövezett
stays - tartózkodás
understand - megért
spain - Spanyolország
sometimes - néha
finger - ujj
point - pont
different - különböző
linger - habozik
diane - Diane
smokes - dohányzik
across - át
frozen - fagyott
pigeon - galamb
pretty - szép
dressers - dressers
signs - jelek
demand - igény
barks - szczeka
cooler - hűtő
chevrolet - chevrolet
gonna - fog
knows - tudja
loves - szeret
watches - Órák
named - nevezett
ocean - óceán
pointin - pointin
sings - énekel
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