I hope somebody misses me when I’m gone
I hope somebody misses me when I’m gone
I know it ain’t right to want someone to cry, I just hope you miss me when I’m gone
I just wish I knew which way I was going
I know I’ve loved you all my life
I swear I’ve loved you all along
From the first time I laid eyes, until the day I die, I know I’ll love you until the end of time
If you cross my heart I’ll hope to die
while - míg
where - ahol
whenever - bármikor
until - amíg
truth - igazság
telling - sokatmondó
swear - esküszik
sound - hang
someone - valaki
somebody - valaki
since - mivel
right - jobb
first - első
place - hely
cross - kereszt
forever - örökké
always - mindig
which - melyik
stuck - megragadt
after - után
misses - hiányzik
along - mentén
began - kezdett
loser - vesztes
being - lény
because - mert
think - gondol
ground - talaj
going - haladó
heart - szív
loved - szeretett
never - soha
could - tudott
goddamned - istenverte
notices - közlemények
people - emberek
pretty - szép
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