Too big to fly, dodo ugly so dodo must die,

Doggo with fear on its side, can't change, can't change the tide.

Dog baiter, agitator, asking questions, says he wants to know why.

Ain't no reason that money can't buy.

Mink he pretty so mink he must die, must die, must die.

Sun he giving life in his light,

Part of the system,

Friend to man, friend to the trees,

No friend to the snowman.

Where does he go, what does he do?

Does he meet with the mole, the stream, the cloud

And end up at the bottom of the sea.

Fish he got a hook in his throat,

Fish he got problems

Where does he go, what does he do?

where - ahol
wants - akar
knows - tudja
siren - sziréna
jones - jones
funny - vicces
cloud - felhő
horror - borzalom
grunt - röfög
system - rendszer
headed - fejes
being - lény
throat - torok
drool - nyáladzik
agitator - agitátor
noise - zaj
black - fekete
matter - ügy
reason - ok
answer - válasz
giving - így
bright - fényes
coming - eljövetel
change - változás
caretaker - gondnok
light - fény
living - élő
looks - úgy néz ki,
asking - kérve
smoke - füst
thrown - dobott
dream - álom
movie - film
needs - igények
ocean - óceán
stream - folyam
friend - barát
trees - fák
pretty - szép
problems - problémák
brute - állat
questions - kérdések
snowman - hóember
money - pénz
vacuum - vákuum
small - kicsi
bottom - alsó
sweet - édes

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