Everybody's talking up a storm
Act like they don't notice it
But here it is and here it comes . . .
Here comes the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon.
Impulse always quickens when it's full
As it turns my head around me
Yes it does and here it comes
turns - menetek
though - bár
there - ott
enhance - fokozza
brother - fiú testvér
little - kicsit
light - fény
mirror - tükör
impulse - impulzus
reflects - tükrözi
around - körül
comes - jön
always - mindig
night - éjszaka
breath - lehelet
taken - tett
looks - úgy néz ki,
mother - anya
clouds - felhők
moving - mozgó
notice - értesítés
quickens - felgyorsul
storm - vihar
stars - csillagok
talking - beszél
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