Born on a lonely planet full of broken dreams

Where no one understands me

When I finally met an angel I didn't know what to say

She just held my hand

And we would lay awake at night

Looking at the stars, thinking of the ones we've lost

And wonder where they are

When we lit another candle she asked me who's to blame

Then she put her arms around me and held me to the flames

So why do we hurt each other?

We don't need the words for one an-others


They don't mean a thing at all

Do they answer when you call?

These prayers, when you don't mean what you say

Would you die for me today?

words - szavak
walls - falak
today - ma
thinking - gondolkodás
these - ezek
stars - csillagok
sense - érzék
understands - megérti
sending - elküldés
other - más
underneath - alul
building - épület
where - ahol
blame - feddés
candle - gyertya
little - kicsit
wonder - csoda
reality - valóság
awake - ébren
thing - dolog
between - között
dreams - álmok
prayers - ima
planet - bolygó
angel - angyal
prayer - ima
broken - törött
asked - kérdezte
strangers - idegenek
another - egy másik
answer - válasz
looking - keres
relate - viszonyul
others - mások
finally - végül
around - körül
buried - eltemetett
crying - síró
thoughts - gondolatok
family - család
would - lenne
flames - lángok
leaves - levelek
lonely - magányos
night - éjszaka
makes - gyártmányú

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