Dirt on your fingernails, blood on your knees

But did that ever make you happy?

I think you were my best friend, gentle, do not apprehend

I know it hasn't been a dream, but if you pardon, I will mend

Drunk in a parking lot, just after 3

Tearin' at your hair like a banshee

Lighter and a safety pin, light the end, burn to skin

I'll stick to you forever, cause this guy, I think, is permanent


Falling off the edge with you, ooh-ooh

It was too good to be true

Good to be true

Bite off your fingernails, cut off your skin

woods - fák
wanted - kívánatos
straight - egyenes
soldier - katona
reciprocate - előre-hátra mozgat
really - igazán
pardon - bocsánat
safety - biztonság
paradise - paradicsom
myself - magamat
think - gondol
light - fény
knife - kés
course - tanfolyam
permanent - állandó
cause - ok
thought - gondolat
blood - vér
bless - áldja
parking - parkolás
looking - keres
beats - ütés
happy - boldog
drunk - részeg
breathe - lélegzik
apprehend - felfog
friend - barát
lighter - öngyújtó
dream - álom
banshee - banshee
through - keresztül
stick - rúd
knees - térd
falling - eső
fighting - harcoló
forever - örökké
fingernails - körmök
happen - történik
running - futás
reflection - visszaverődés
after - után
human - emberi
black - fekete
gentle - kedves

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