I've looked everywhere Mr. Forbes
But I can't find the cello or yet the french horn
And I can't find the harp
I don't know where it's gone
And of course, you can't go without that
I've looked everywhere Mr. Forbes
But I can't find your clamshells
three - három
french - francia
forbes - Forbes
drill - fúró
everywhere - mindenhol
lined - vonalazott
eluding - eluding
attic - tetőtér
cellar - pince
chest - mellkas
greenhouses -
looked - nézett
should - kellene
sheepskin - birkabőr
think - gondol
skill - jártasság
without - nélkül
still - még mindig
course - tanfolyam
studio - [object Object]
study - tanulmány
where - ahol
cello - gordonka
possibly - esetleg
thought - gondolat
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