I can stay!
Up all night I can do what I want
I can party with strangers, I can play my music loud
I can kiss a girl and wear my boots to bed
And drink every fucking thing that I can fit in my head
These are a few of the things I can do now that you're gone, now that you're gone
I don't have to listen to your complaint
I don't have an awful buzzing going on in my brain
I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not
Cause I'm a nasty little freak and I like it a lot
And the best thing of all, I feel 7 feet tall now that you're gone, now that you're gone
Oh yeah!
My life is so much better without you
Oh yeah!
I don't care if I ever see you again
texts - szövegek
strangers - idegenek
steal - lop
things - dolgok
something - valami
pretend - színlel
pledge - fogadalom
party - party
night - éjszaka
nasty - csúnya
myself - magamat
these - ezek
music - zene
money - pénz
brain - agy
state - állapot
awful - szörnyű
better - jobb
without - nélkül
again - újra
wants - akar
being - lény
repeat - ismétlés
phone - telefon
guilty - bűnös
buzzing - zümmögő
little - kicsit
freak - szörnyszülött
after - után
drink - ital
every - minden
about - ról ről
boots - csizma
cause - ok
allegiance - hűség
check - jelölje be
complaint - panasz
thing - dolog
forever - örökké
united - egyesült
fucking - kibaszott
going - haladó
gonna - fog
listen - hallgat
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