I may go out tomorrow if I can borrow a coat to wear

Oh, I'd step out in style with my sincere smile and my dancin' bear.

Outrageous, alarming, courageous, charming

Oh who would think a boy and bear would be well accepted everywhere?

Well it's just amazing how fair people can be.

would - lenne
where - ahol
tomorrow - holnap
style - stílus
stare - bámul
smile - mosoly
think - gondol
sincere - őszinte
dancing - tánc
amazing - elképesztő
needs - igények
funny - vicces
borrow - kölcsön
smith - kovács
entrance - bejárat
courageous - bátor
outrageous - felháborító
accepted - elfogadott
everywhere - mindenhol
charming - bájos
nicest - legszebb
faces - arcok
attraction - vonzerő
grandest - grandest
making - gyártás
alarming - riasztó
money - pénz
could - tudott
people - emberek
places - helyek
simon - simon

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