There I was with the old man
Stranded again so off I'd ran
A young world crashing around me
No possibilities of getting what I need
He looked at me and smiled
Said "No, no, no, no, no child.
See the dog and butterfly. Up in the
Air he like to fly." Dog and butterfly
Below she had to try. She roll back down
To the warm soft ground laughing
She don't know why, she don't know why
Dog and butterfly
Well I stumbled upon your secret place
Safe in the trees you had tears on your face
Wrestling with your desires frozen strangers
Stealing your fires. The message hit my mind
young - fiatal
wrestling - birkózás
world - világ
words - szavak
where - ahol
voice - hang
trees - fák
laughing - nevetés
inside - belül
hearts - szívek
could - tudott
through - keresztül
little - kicsit
holding - holding
secret - titok
crashing - összeomlik
again - újra
rolling - gördülő
balanced - kiegyensúlyozott
stealing - lopás
together - együtt
desires - vágyak
below - lent
around - körül
frozen - fagyott
begging - könyörgés
confusion - zavar
strangers - idegenek
fires - tüzek
child - gyermek
ground - talaj
light - fény
colder - hidegebb
looked - nézett
feels - érzi
possibilities - lehetőségek
getting - szerzés
making - gyártás
maybe - talán
message - üzenet
moonlight - holdfény
night - éjszaka
ocean - óceán
strange - furcsa
taken - tett
tears - könnyek
older - idősebb
reason - ok
stranded - megfeneklett
another - egy másik
place - hely
smiled - Mosolygott
butterfly - pillangó
stumbled - megbotlott
there - ott
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