There were times when I thought there was nothin' in this world
There was nothin' in this world for me
Everywhere I looked there was trouble in my life
Trouble far as I could see
Hey there's a man doin' alright
What's his philosophy?
He come over here and whispered in my ear
You're the Buddha, you're the Christ,
You're the Mohammed, and the Mother Mary
So who am I so nervous and shy
yourself - saját magad
world - világ
whispered - suttogta
unconsciously - öntudatlanul
trouble - baj
thought - gondolat
talented - tehetséges
switch - kapcsoló
spring - tavaszi
winter - téli
could - tudott
there - ott
alright - rendben
times - alkalommal
plenty - bőven
chance - véletlen
buddha - Buddha
think - gondol
things - dolgok
light - fény
everywhere - mindenhol
anytime - bármikor
christ - Krisztus
dance - tánc
becomes - válik
mohammed - Mohamed
philosophy - filozófia
frightens - megrémít
nervous - ideges
looked - nézett
opportunity - lehetőség
mother - anya
pressure - nyomás
power - erő
brilliant - ragyogó
small - kicsi
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