Her eyes and words are so icy
Oh but she burns
Like rum on the fire
Hot and fast and angry
As she can be
I walk my days on a wire
It looks ugly, but it's clean
Oh mamma, don't fuss over me
The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
Calls of guilty thrown at me
would - lenne
words - szavak
while - míg
washed - mosott
throws - dob
thrown - dobott
tells - megmondja
sweet - édes
sleep - alvás
shows - műsorok
burns - égések
cherry - cseresznye
worth - érdemes
calls - hívások
clean - tiszta
brother - fiú testvér
sheets - ágynemű
around - körül
closed - zárva
stains - foltok
other - más
angry - mérges
loves - szeret
blood - vér
divine - isteni
breathing - lélegző
looks - úgy néz ki,
crime - bűn
fiery - tüzes
fight - harc
guilty - bűnös
merciful - irgalmas
freezing - fagyasztó
right - jobb
mamma - mama
powerfully - erőteljesen
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