Hit me last night like a ton of bricks,
if this is really it, this is starting over
There\'s no should\'ve, could\'ve, would\'ve said this, done that, no turning back, no more I wonders
No harm done, no hard feelings,
maybe some other time but gives me some peace of mind
If that was the end of the ride, I\'m getting back in line
Cause I\'m telling you
there\'s nothing like starting over,
there\'s nothing like shedding a heartache,
writing a new page to say what you wanna say
There\'s nothing like a heart wide open,
that bittersweet comfort of knowing you can let go and take the weight off your shoulders
There\'s nothing like starting over,
there\'s nothing like starting over
Love\'s got a way of letting you know when the time to hold on or time to let go, tells you so
It\'s the cold in the kiss, of looking away,
wrong - rossz
writing - írás
wonders - csodák
through - keresztül
tells - megmondja
starting - kiindulási
shoulders - vállak
shedding - vedlés
science - tudomány
weight - súly
right - jobb
rethink - újragondolják
there - ott
reset - visszaállítás
reposition - újrapozícionálás
really - igazán
getting - szerzés
feels - érzi
wonder - csoda
condition - feltétel
wanna - akarok
feelings - érzések
could - tudott
would - lenne
bricks - tégla
knowing - tudva
turning - fordítás
comfort - kényelem
bittersweet - keserédes
cause - ok
gives - ad
heart - szív
should - kellene
letting - bérbeadása
lonely - magányos
nothing - semmi
telling - sokatmondó
looking - keres
night - éjszaka
makes - gyártmányú
maybe - talán
peace - béke
heartache - szívpanaszok
number - szám
other - más
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