Oh, come and see the opening band

Now that you've got your tickets

and beverages in hand

They look so tired, sound uninspired

guitars are secondhand

'Cause no one likes an opening band

Nobody likes the opening band

Their set time's far too early

And I've never heard of them

uninspired - lélektelen
unfamiliar - ismeretlen
tired - fáradt
tickets - jegyek
gives - ad
except - kivéve
early - korai
sound - hang
things - dolgok
chances - esélyeit
opening - nyílás
nervous - ideges
bands - sávok
chance - véletlen
nobody - senki
guitars - gitárok
beverages - italok
career - karrier
heard - hallott
likes - kedvel
little - kicsit
never - soha
purpose - célja
their - azok
secondhand - használt
singing - éneklés

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