A lot of nine-fingered boys in the village
They haven't got much choice in the village (Yeah)
Model car, model wife, model village
Model far, model right, model village
They ain't too friendly in the village (In the village)
There’s a tabloid frenzy in the village (Don't read The Sun)
He's "not a racist but" in the village
Gotta drive half-cut in the village
Model low crime rate in the village
Model race, model hate, model village (Village)
Got my head kicked in in the village (Wah)
There’s a lot of pink skin in the village
"Hardest man in the world" in the village
He says he got with every girl in the village
Take flight, take flight
Model village
I beg your pardon
I don’t care about your rose garden
I'm listenin' to the things you said
You just sound like you're scared to death
(Yeah, I'm a fuckin' dragon)
world - világ
villagers - falusiak
twitches - rángatózás
village - falu
toodle - toodle
tonne - tonna
thugs - gengszterek
think - gondol
there - ott
their - azok
tabloid - bulvárlap
happen - történik
choice - választás
riches - gazdagság
friendly - barátságos
flight - repülési
saluting - tisztelegve
fingered - Fingered
british - angol
making - gyártás
kicked - rúgott
pardon - bocsánat
feels - érzi
dragon - sárkány
still - még mindig
sound - hang
about - ról ről
gotta - kell
anthem - himnusz
death - halál
garden - kert
curtain - függöny
flags - zászlók
drugs - gyógyszerek
happens - megtörténik
frenzy - örület
homophobes -
spirits - szesz
fucking - kibaszott
killing - gyilkolás
overpriced - túlárazott
kindred - rokon
gammon - füstölt sonka
laugh - nevetés
meanings - jelentése
things - dolgok
snitches - snitches
hardest - legnehezebb
drive - hajtás
model - modell
scared - megrémült
thing - dolog
nothing - semmi
every - minden
pillaged - kifosztották
idiot - idióta
racist - rasszista
crime - bűn
right - jobb
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