Before electric light,
You paddled through the soup of darkness as a crocodile,
Cherry picking in the river,
I would leave crisp note footprints at the Bankside
Watch it closely you will see it begin to move
Watch it closely you see it begin to flicker
While we're here, let's see what happens
What we got, got to loose (what we got to loose)
While we're tidal and flexed on a full moon
It'd be a sure, sure shame to not to
In every wonder what you are
I've blurted everything I know just for a piece of it
Flash frozen, patchworked and fallow
I sprung up in hearts and arrow superhighways
would - lenne
wonder - csoda
wished - kívánta
times - alkalommal
tidal - árapály
sprung - rugós
shame - szégyen
paddled - evezett
nobody - senki
through - keresztül
loose - laza
leave - szabadság
darkness - sötétség
while - míg
begin - kezdődik
flash - vaku
closely - szorosan
crisp - ropogós
cherry - cseresznye
river - folyó
everything - minden
arrow - nyíl
before - előtt
piece - darab
blurted - fakadt
picking - feltörés
footprints - lábnyomok
england - anglia
watch - néz
light - fény
goodness - jóság
every - minden
fallow - ugar
flicker - vibrálás
frozen - fagyott
crocodile - krokodil
flexed - behajlított
happens - megtörténik
electric - elektromos
hearts - szívek
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