Stripping business started in Africa long time ago
long long long time ago
White man went to Africa and
He saw these beautiful black women walkin' around sagging'
Dancing Workin' Livin' in the nude
You can see there public hair
This white man went from village to village
to seek out these black women
Watchin' them perform in the nude
words - szavak
women - nők
white - fehér
years - évek
where - ahol
village - falu
those - azok
there - ott
thats - amit
these - ezek
stripping - sztrippelés
figured - mintás
right - jobb
africa - Afrika
beautiful - szép
business - üzleti
bitches - szukák
europe - Európa
start - rajt
people - emberek
dancing - tánc
shame - szégyen
dance - tánc
happen - történik
black - fekete
gonna - fog
profession - szakma
heard - hallott
thing - dolog
naked - meztelen
started - indult
looked - nézett
around - körül
perform - teljesít
public - nyilvános
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