I don't believe you
And I never will,
Oh I can't live by your side
with the lies you've tried to instil,
I can't take anymore,
I don't have to give you a reason
For leaving this time
Cos this is my last goodbye
It's like I hardly know you
walking - gyalogló
tried - megpróbálta
tired - fáradt
emotion - érzelem
before - előtt
goodbye - viszontlátásra
spoke - beszéltem
reason - ok
accused - vádlott
hardly - alig
coming - eljövetel
already - már
leaving - kilépő
believe - hinni
every - minden
anymore - többé
really - igazán
anything - bármi
showed - kimutatta,
gotta - kell
being - lény
maybe - talán
grown - felnőtt
instil - sugalmaz
never - soha
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