We're dancing free, but we're stuck here underground

And everybody trying to figure they way out

Hey hey hey hey, all we ever wanted to say

Was chased erased and then thrown away

And day to day, we live in a daze

We march all around til' the sun goes down night children

Broken dreams, no sunshine, endless crimes, we long for freedom (for freedom)

You're free but in your mind, your freedom's in a bind

Oh make it rain, ain't a thing in the sky to fall

(The silver bullet's in your hand and the war's heating up)

And when the truth goes BANG the shouts splatter out

(Revolutionize your lives and find a way out)

And when you're growing down instead of growing up

(You gotta ooo ah ah like a panther)

Tell me are you bold enough to reach for love?

(Na na na...)

He lived in sector ten

He had a friend named Benjamin

Sail away, sail away Susan

So strong for so long

All I wanna do is sing my simple song

Square or round, rich or poor

At the end of day and night all we want is more

I keep my feet on solid ground and use my wings when storms come around

I keep my feet on solid ground for freedom

You're free but in your mind, your freedom's in a bind

Oh make it rain, ain't a thing in the sky to fall

(The silver bullet's in your hand and the war's heating up)

And when the truth goes BANG the shouts splatter out

(Revolutionize your lives and find a way out)

And when you're growing down instead of growing up

(You gotta ooo ah ah like a panther)

Tell me are you bold enough to reach for love?

(Na na na...)

wrong - rossz
world - világ
words - szavak
wings - szárnyak
whore - kurva
welfare - jólét
wanted - kívánatos
wanna - akarok
underground - föld alatt
trying - megpróbálja
truth - igazság
tomboy - fiús lány
thrown - dobott
third - harmadik
thing - dolog
sweat - izzad
susan - Susan
sunshine - napfény
stupid - hülye
strong - erős
storms - viharok
stone - kő
steal - lop
stage - színpad
spoiled - elrontott
tuxedo - szmoking
street - utca
splatter - loccsan
simple - egyszerű
light - fény
crack - repedés
fight - harc
final - végső
endless - végtelen
droid - robot
dreams - álmok
rights - jogok
dream - álom
chased - üldözte
erase - törli
child - gyermek
death - halál
dancing - tánc
closet - fülke
crimes - bűncselekmények
drunk - részeg
corporate - társasági
enough - elég
outcast - kitaszított
stuck - megragadt
bubonic - bubópestis
creative - kreatív
broadway - broadway
broad - széles
weirdo - különc
lives - életét
breast - mell
panther - párduc
bread - kenyér
white - fehér
floor - padló
bloody - véres
shots - felvételek
stale - állott
bathtub - fürdőkád
heroin - heroin
carefree - gondtalan
broken - törött
black - fekete
metal - fém
cancer - rák
dirty - piszkos
small - kicsi
mannequin - manöken
change - változás
solid - szilárd
night - éjszaka
closed - zárva
regards - üdvözlet
treats - kezeli
chapter - fejezet
orange - narancs
instigators - felbujtó
walking - gyalogló
sector - ágazat
benjamin - Benjámin
named - nevezett
quarantine - karantén
square - négyzet
everybody - mindenki
microphone - mikrofon
esteem - becsülés
around - körül
silver - ezüst
danger - veszély
civil - civil
erased - kitörölt
children - gyermekek
heating - fűtés
freak - szörnyszülött

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