Long drive, long night
The best night of my life,
With you riding, your hand on my hand.
The thought of arriving, kind of feels like, dying.
I don’t want, to go home and be, alone.
Could we, stay out?
Could you, drive a little slower, don’t matter where we’re going,
As long as I’m with you, we could take the long way.
Chevy Nova, front seat, sofa, getting closer, to you.
Drive a little slower; don’t matter where we’re going,
As long as I’m with you, we could take the long way.
Drive a little slower, not ready to go home,
I’d rather stay with you.
wanna - akarok
where - ahol
thought - gondolat
there - ott
timing - időzítés
shoulder - váll
riding - lovaglás
steaming - gőzölgés
rather - inkább
night - éjszaka
moment - pillanat
drive - hajtás
strobe - stroboszkóp
found - talál
front - elülső
defrost - felenged
quite - egészen
crash - csattanás
arriving - érkező
ready - kész
closer - közelebb
alone - egyedül
chevy - üldöz
careful - óvatos
right - jobb
dying - haldoklik
feels - érzi
slower - lassabb
generous - nagylelkű
inside - belül
getting - szerzés
glass - üveg
matter - ügy
going - haladó
headlights - fényszórók
could - tudott
little - kicsit
country - ország
lights - lámpák
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