i hear she's kickin ass across the board

And rock two hundred thousand higher scorer

Just in time to save the world of being taken over

she's a warrior

i couldn't play again because the game it never ended

It never even landed on the can

And never let me in to spend my quarter

there's no love for me no more

say it isn't so

how she easily come, and she easy go

please don't tell her that i've been meaning to miss her

because i don't

she was the girl with the broadest shoulders

But she would die before i crawled over them

she is taller than i am

she knew i wouldn't mind the view there

or the altitude with a mouth full of air

would - lenne
world - világ
words - szavak
until - amíg
trying - megpróbálja
taken - tett
still - még mindig
spend - tölt
shoulders - vállak
scorer - pontozó
reverse - fordított
easier - könnyebb
bother - zavar
meaning - jelentés
warrior - harcos
mouth - száj
across - át
being - lény
before - előtt
cause - ok
bitter - keserű
become - válik
doubt - kétség
altitude - magasság
please - kérem
singing - éneklés
after - után
higher - magasabb
again - újra
ended - vége lett
landed - leszállt
assured - biztosított
broken - törött
amazing - elképesztő
never - soha
crazier - őrültebb
drawn - húzott
plural - többes szám
broadest - legtágabb
because - mert
everything - minden
attention - figyelem
really - igazán
became - lett
crazy - őrült
later - a későbbiekben
thousand - ezer
easily - könnyen
hurts - fáj
enough - elég
there - ott
guilty - bűnös
hundred - száz
mention - említés
anymore - többé
kickin - kickin
attempt - kísérlet
psychology - pszichológia
taller - Magasabb
crawled - feltérképezett
board - tábla
quarter - negyed

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