Jesus had a son by Mary Magdalene and he rode the land like the man who
Went before
Young Jesus raised him loud, mother Mary raised him proud and he tracked
The men who laid his father down
One day the Pilate died with the fire in his side Herod did die too not the
He wanted to y'see the child knew the secrets of Egypt & Isis
Magdalene remembered when the people smiled and had been looser looser
young - fiatal
wanted - kívánatos
tracked - lánctalpas
truth - igazság
smiled - Mosolygott
smile - mosoly
remembered - emlékezett
secrets - titkok
public - nyilvános
proud - büszke
mutilation - megcsonkítás
mother - anya
jesus - Jézus
never - soha
child - gyermek
breathing - lélegző
people - emberek
could - tudott
slaughter - levágás
across - át
since - mivel
liable - felelős
before - előtt
fancy - díszes
years - évek
raised - emelt
pilate - Pilátus
father - apa
miracles - csodák
black - fekete
about - ról ről
bible - Biblia
watch - néz
think - gondol
daughter - lánya
egypt - Egyiptom
looser - lazább
water - víz
christ - Krisztus
dance - tánc
enhanced - fokozott
herod - Heródes
execution - végrehajtás
levitation - lebegés
loved - szeretett
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