I remember once upon a time
I was with a girl you didn't like
Mhm, in tunnel-o-vision
All my friends would tell me I was blind
But through my eyes, I couldn't see the point
Eventually I had to pay the price
And you were always there
I own ya, I own ya
Thirsty little mama, got you twisted under
water - víz
voice - hang
under - alatt
would - lenne
verse - vers
twisted - csavart
tunnel - alagút
trick - trükk
there - ott
swimming - úszás
rumors - pletykák
telling - sokatmondó
round - kerek
wanna - akarok
thirsty - szomjas
finger - ujj
outro - outro
vision - látomás
commas - vessző
reading - olvasás
bridge - híd
through - keresztül
comments - hozzászólások
counting - számolás
chorus - énekkar
blind - vak
about - ról ről
always - mindig
bottle - üveg
friends - barátok
little - kicsit
ignoring - figyelmen kívül hagyva
inside - belül
point - pont
eventually - végül is
price - ár
rapping - kopogó
message - üzenet
remember - emlékezik
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