Good morning Weathercock: How did you fare last night?

Did the cold wind bite you, did you face up to the fright

When the leaves spin from October

and whip around your tail?

Did you shake from the blast, did you shiver through the gale?

Give us direction; the best of goodwill ---

winds - szelek
softly - enyhén
touch - érintés
simply - egyszerűen
fright - ijedtség
weathercock - szélkakas
twinkle - csillogás
fight - harc
share - ossza meg
changes - változtatások
weather - időjárás
direction - irány
patterns - minták
reflect - tükrözik
bright - fényes
around - körül
night - éjszaka
through - keresztül
blast - robbanás
snowflakes - hópelyhek
leaves - levelek
winter - téli
october - október
better - jobb
goodwill - jóakarat
blacksmith - kovács
heeds - heeds
shiver - reszket
morning - reggel
fields - mezők
point - pont
shake - ráz

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