When I was young and they packed me off to school

and the taught me how not to play the game.

I didn't mind if they groomed me for success

or if they said that I was just a fool.

So I left there in the morning with their God tucked underneath my arm -

their half - assed smiles and the book of rules.

And I asked this God a question and by way of firm reply

He said - I'm not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays.

So to my old headmaster (and to anyone who cares):

young - fiatal
wrong - rossz
whole - egész
underneath - alul
tucked - felhúzott
through - keresztül
thing - dolog
their - azok
taught - tanított
sunday - vasárnap
success - siker
smiles - mosolyog
reply - válasz
poorer - szegényebb
these - ezek
packed - csomagolt
around - körül
birth - születés
rules - szabályok
accident - baleset
question - kérdés
groomed - ápolt
better - jobb
death - halál
asked - kérdezte
before - előtt
prayers - ima
bishops - püspökök
assed - szar
measure - mérték
headmaster - iskolaigazgató
anyone - bárki
believe - hinni
compose - összeállít
morning - reggel
worth - érdemes
boots - csizma
rather - inkább
cares - gondok
there - ott
excommunicate - kiközösített
sundays - vasárnap
glory - dicsőség
honest - becsületes
school - iskola
lines - vonalak

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