When I know I'm all alone
Say your name slowly
And I know that I'm alone
But I'll carry you
Does it feel good like a memory
When you try some history
It's a dream to come around
The rule doesn't bend,
Because the taste doesn't taste the same again
It's easy feeling righteous when removed
All you'll get as what you wanna hear
It hurts because it should
How else am I to make it clear?
I could never be the one that you want, don't ask.
Well, here's to living in the moment
'Cause it passed.
Maybe a lie is what I need sometimes
You told the most and best of anyone
You said to "keep me in your pocket"
So I carried you
yours - a tiéd
would - lenne
words - szavak
windows - ablakok
wanna - akarok
tonight - ma este
things - dolgok
thing - dolog
dream - álom
carry - visz
carefully - gondosan
going - haladó
while - míg
anyone - bárki
wrong - rossz
burning - égő
anything - bármi
living - élő
clear - egyértelmű
hurts - fáj
could - tudott
through - keresztül
little - kicsit
carried - végrehajtott
maybe - talán
alone - egyedül
because - mert
gonna - fog
slowly - lassan
around - körül
carrying - szállítás
different - különböző
emotion - érzelem
before - előtt
again - újra
still - még mindig
better - jobb
history - történelem
memory - memória
moment - pillanat
passed - elmúlt
choose - választ
motions - mozgások
spend - tölt
never - soha
another - egy másik
place - hely
righteous - tisztességes
pocket - zseb-
taste - íz
removed - eltávolított
feeling - érzés
right - jobb
waiting - várakozás
should - kellene
pictures - képek
somehow - valahogy
sometimes - néha
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