Once I got to the mountain top, tell you what I could see,

Prairie full of lost souls running from the priests of iniquity

Where the hell was Elijah?

What do you do when the prophecy game was through?

We gotta take the walls of Jericho

Put your lips together and blow

To the very top

They say the truth crystallizes like jewels in the rock, in the rock

Get Down Moses - part another sea

Carve another tablet out of L.S.D.

Get Down Moses - out in Tennessee

Get Down Moses - down in the street

The blood is washing down all the gravel to our feet

Get Down Moses - down in the pit

Lying in a dream, cross battle field,

Crashing on a downtown strip,

wisdom - bölcsesség
where - ahol
washing - mosás
walls - falak
iniquity - gonoszság
field - mező
lying - fekvő
street - utca
tennessee - tennessee
gravel - kavics
friends - barátok
enemies - ellenség
together - együtt
dreads - raszták
ghetto - gettó
better - jobb
carve - farag
cross - kereszt
crashing - összeomlik
gotta - kell
battle - csata
jericho - jerikó
blood - vér
another - egy másik
reasoning - érvelés
strip - szalag
crack - repedés
downtown - belváros
souls - lelkek
truth - igazság
crystallizes - kristályosodik
jewels - ékszerek
tablet - tablet
could - tudott
lecturing - előadást
looking - keres
mountain - hegy
lotta - Lotta
moses - Mózes
dream - álom
prairie - préri
priests - papok
prophecy - jóslat
running - futás
spies - kémek
sponsoring - szponzorálás
teeth - fogak
diamonds - gyémánt
elijah - Illés
through - keresztül

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