Well I’ll tell you one thing that I know
You don’t face you demons down
You got to grab `em, jack `em
and pin `em to the ground
The devil may care –maybe god he won’t
Better you make sure you check on
the do’s and don’ts
Crawl up the mountain
to reach where the eagles fly
Sure you can’t glimpse from the mountain top
where the soul of the muse might rise
And if you put it all together
You won’t have to look around
You know you cast a long shadow on the ground
And then one day I could tell my tracks
by the holes in the soles of my shoes
And that’s the day I said
I’m gonna make the news
and falling back in the garden of days so long ago
Somewhere in the memory
wells - kutak
trains - vonatok
tracks - pályák
together - együtt
those - azok
wolves - farkasok
street - utca
sounding - hangzó
spell - varázslat
somewhere - valahol
soles - talp
shines - ragyog
shadow - árnyék
runnin - futni
rivers - folyók
relent - enged
eagles - sasok
devil - ördög
punks - punkok
destination - rendeltetési hely
around - körül
glimpse - megpillant
demons - démonok
falling - eső
crawl - csúszik
always - mindig
water - víz
night - éjszaka
where - ahol
delta - delta
country - ország
playing - játszik
prayer - ima
there - ott
cottons - pamut
anarchy - anarchia
flows - folyik
roads - utak
baffles - terelőlap
holes - lyukak
could - tudott
brain - agy
american - amerikai
better - jobb
memory - memória
mutterings - motyogásai
express - expressz
thinks - azt hiszi
shoes - cipő
mountain - hegy
through - keresztül
check - jelölje be
thing - dolog
reach - elér
gangs - bandák
might - esetleg
chain - lánc
build - épít
garden - kert
gonna - fog
explode - felrobban
junctions - csomópontok
listen - hallgat
testament - végrendelet
ground - talaj
cleansing - tisztító
hobos - hobos
waters - vizek
madison - Madison
maybe - talán
memphis - memphis
railroads - vasutak
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