When I meet The Doctor

Once I prove my worth

And then I meet The Doctor.

What I've waited for since, since birth!

And with all his doctor wisdom

By my looks he won't be blinded.

Do you think The Doctor is dumb

Or like Oods he's so small minded? No.

He'll say to me I see who you truly are, Jack

A man on whom I can rely.

And thats how we'll begin

The Doctor and I.

Once you're with The Doctor

Your whole life will change

'Cos once you're with The Doctor

You are not estranged.

No mother is not proud of you.

No brother acts ashamed.

And all of Time has to love you

when by The Doctor you're acclaimed.

And this gift or this curse I have inside

Maybe it lasts don't know why.

wisdom - bölcsesség
waited - várt
truly - valóban
throughout - egész
think - gondol
vision - látomás
swear - esküszik
superior - kiváló
sounds - hangok
exterior - külső
stand - állvány
esteem - becsülés
different - különböző
small - kicsi
curse - átok
unlimited - korlátlan
proud - büszke
acclaimed - elismert
things - dolgok
course - tanfolyam
people - emberek
change - változás
though - bár
fantasy - fantázia
birth - születés
believe - hinni
estranged - elidegenedett
lasts - tart
prove - bizonyít
appreciate - méltányol
blinded - vak
fabricate - gyárt
mother - anya
crazy - őrült
celebration - ünneplés
inside - belül
worth - érdemes
ashamed - megszégyenülve
nothing - semmi
minded - gondolkodású
begin - kezdődik
thats - amit
almost - majdnem
brother - fiú testvér
favourite - kedvenc
doctor - orvos
prophecy - jóslat
folks - emberek
future - jövő
happy - boldog
important - fontos
scream - sikoly
could - tudott
since - mivel
looks - úgy néz ki,
maybe - talán
there - ott
someday - majd egyszer
never - soha
whole - egész
reply - válasz
feeling - érzés
right - jobb

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