Verse 1
My big brother was B.I.G.'s brother
Use to be Dame and Biggs brother
Who is Hip Hop brother, who is NO ID friend
NO ID my mentor, now let the story begin
It's the Hard Knock Life Tour sell out
Picture us in the mall coppin' IceBerg and yell out jigga
Yea, that's what we would yell out (yell out)
You know the name, do I gotta spell out or tell bout
JAY and Ye so shy,
that he won't even step to his idol to say hi
Standing there like a mime and let the chance pass by
Back of my mind, he can change yo' life
With all these beats I did, at least let him hear it
At least you could brag to the friends back at the gig
But he got me out my momma crib,
then he help me get my momma a crib
My big brother was B.I.G's
Use to be Dame and Biggs brother
Who is Hip Hop brother, who is NO ID friend
NO ID my mentor, now let the story begin
Verse 2
Fresh off the plane, I'm off to Baseline mine
Nothing handed out, I'm bout to take mine
Round the same time of that Blueprint 1
And these beats in my pocket was that blueprint for him
I'll play my lil' songs in that ol' back room
He'll bob his head and say, O' that's you
But by the Black Album, I was blacking out
Party at SOB's and we had packed the crowd
Big Brother gotta show up at Madison Square and I'm like yea, yea, we gon' be there
But, not only did I not get a chance to spit it
Carline told me I could buy two tickets
I guess Big Brother was thinking a lil' different
And kept lil' brother at bay, at a distance
wrote - írt
words - szavak
walks - sétál
walked - sétált
verse - vers
tickets - jegyek
throw - dobás
though - bár
thinking - gondolkodás
thing - dolog
there - ott
heart - szív
gotta - kell
getting - szerzés
sibling - testvér
fresh - friss
least - legkevésbé
every - minden
finger - ujj
these - ezek
kanye - Kanye
fella - fickó
handed - kezes
espanol - espanol
everything - minden
talked - beszélt
crowd - tömeg
mingle - keveredik
diamonds - gyémánt
friends - barátok
always - mindig
different - különböző
dropped - leesett
around - körül
bottom - alsó
brown - barna
jesus - Jézus
begin - kezdődik
other - más
plane - repülőgép
translate - fordít
talking - beszél
brother - fiú testvér
beats - ütés
square - négyzet
beans - bab
understand - megért
people - emberek
never - soha
mentor - tanácsadó
black - fekete
client - ügyfél
bogus - hamis
giant - óriás
scrotum - herezacskó
could - tudott
distance - távolság
album - album
blueprint - tervrajz
chain - lánc
tried - megpróbálta
coldplay - Hideg játék
flowers - virágok
chance - véletlen
momma - mama
swore - megesküdött
another - egy másik
change - változás
pride - büszkeség
iceberg - úszó jéghegy
while - míg
inspired - ihletett
jigga - jigga
killed - elesett
smell - szag
should - kellene
knock - kopogás, ütès
known - ismert
remix - remix
kicked - rúgott
looked - nézett
guess - találd ki
shadow - árnyék
focused - összpontosított
madison - Madison
cause - ok
nothing - semmi
number - szám
lyrics - dalszöveg
picture - kép
young - fiatal
standing - álló
older - idősebb
would - lenne
wanna - akarok
packed - csomagolt
totem - totem
party - party
pocket - zseb-
worse - rosszabb
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