la laaa la wait till i get my money right
I had a dream I can buy my way to heaven
When I awoke, I spent that on a necklace.
I told God I'd be back in a second,
Man It's so hard not to act reckless.
To whom much is given, much is tested
Get arrested, got some chilli, get the message.
I feel the pressure, under more scrutiny,
And What I do? Act more stupidly.
Bought More Jewelery, More Louis V, My momma couldn't get through to me.
The drama, people suing me,
I'm on T.V. talking like it's just you and me.
I'm just saying how I feel man,
I ain't one of the cosbys i aint go to hillman
I guess the money should've changed him,
I guess I should've forgot where I came From.
la laa lala wait till i get my money right
la laa lala then u cant tell me nothing right
Excuse Me, is you saying something?
Uh, uh, you can't tell me nothing.(x3)
yours - a tiéd
under - alatt
tested - kipróbált
spent - költött
something - valami
second - második
scrutiny - ellenőrzéssel
right - jobb
reminisce - emlékeiről beszél
reckless - vakmerő
problem - probléma
prada - Prada
pleasure - öröm
nothing - semmi
necklace - nyaklánc
momma - mama
talking - beszél
message - üzenet
double - kettős
emphasis - hangsúly
treasure - kincs
doors - ajtók
magic - varázslat
devil - ördög
where - ahol
champagne - pezsgő
depending - attól
parallel - párhuzamos
awoke - felébredt
cosbys - cosbys
forgot - elfelejtettem
holla - holla
collagen - kollagén
dream - álom
suing - pereli
suicide - öngyilkosság
homey - otthonos
louis - Louis
class - osztály
money - pénz
anything - bármi
mother - anya
arrested - letartóztatott
changed - megváltozott
stupidly - badarul
apologizing - bocsánatkérő
bought - vásárolt
rumors - pletykák
fumes - füst
already - már
decide - döntsd el
started - indult
people - emberek
fresher - frissebb
aight - rendben
between - között
parked - leparkolt
buried - eltemetett
cause - ok
sideways - oldalt
drama - dráma
dress - ruha
homies - haverok
drive - hajtás
effort - erőfeszítés
given - adott
excuse - mentség
folks - emberek
faithful - hűséges
chilli - chili
chorus - énekkar
graduated - diplomázott
saying - mondás
looking - keres
guess - találd ki
through - keresztül
splash - loccsanás
heaven - menny
pressure - nyomás
hours - órák
jesus - Jézus
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