Old green fairy, what you’ve done to me
I see Lucy in the sky telling me I’m high
I went out for some milk three days ago
I met Dalí in the street, he knocked me off my feet
Now I start to see that all’s not well
There’s policeman in my bed telling me I’m dead
If only I could show them what I’ve seen
I’ll have to take you down below where insects run the show
Sound and vision turning inside out
The lines make you look older then you’re gone
And everyday I got someone bringing me down
I got the eyes of a madman, I’m chasing round
How does it feel to live your life where nothing is real?
where - ahol
vision - látomás
turning - fordítás
three - három
street - utca
still - még mindig
sleeps - alszik
scare - megijeszt
river - folyó
older - idősebb
neighbours - szomszédok
madman - őrült
telling - sokatmondó
round - kerek
eyelids - szemhéj
there - ott
chasing - vadászrepülőgép
could - tudott
policeman - rendőr
lines - vonalak
celebrate - ünnepel
awake - ébren
sound - hang
someone - valaki
below - lent
everyday - minden nap
bringing - fűződő
behind - mögött
fairy - tündér
tomorrow - holnap
gonna - fog
start - rajt
inside - belül
nothing - semmi
green - zöld
freedom - szabadság
knocked - bekopogott
wouldn - tenne
handbags - táskák
first - első
hearse - halottas kocsi
insects - rovarok
everyone - mindenki
locking - záró
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