There’s a city, draped in net

Fisherman net

And in the half light, in the half light

It looks like every tower

Is covered in webs

Moving and glistening and rocking

It’s babies in rhythm

As the spider of time is climbing

Over the ruins

There were hundreds of people living here

Sails at the windows

And the planes came crashing down

And many a pilot drowned

And the speed boats flying above

windows - ablakok
kitchen - konyha
sails - vitorlák
glistening - csillogó
fisherman - halász
there - ott
babies - babák
light - fény
hundreds - száz
holds - tart
planes - síkok
filled - megtöltött
every - minden
broken - törött
window - ablak
drowned - megfulladt
pieces - darabok
house - ház
boats - csónak
climbing - mászó
covered - fedett
laughing - nevetés
draped - leterített
little - kicsit
brown - barna
people - emberek
flying - repülő
above - felett
living - élő
rhythm - ritmus
singing - éneklés
pilot - pilóta
looks - úgy néz ki,
crashing - összeomlik
rocking - hintaszék
masts - árbocok
moving - mozgó
memories - memóriák
while - míg
coral - korall
mother - anya
standing - álló
ruins - romok
forests - erdők
speed - sebesség
spider - pók
tower - torony

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