You got your brand names, looks to kill
Seems that everything is plastic and nothing is real
Where money talks and real kats walk
It's so bizarre
You can work twice as hard and go half as far
The truth hurts and it only gets worse
You wouldn't tell me what I'm worth
People don't always get what they deserve
I get down, roll up my sleeves for every dollar
When others come fake it makes me work harder like..
I ain't goin' out like that
Can't live like that
Feels good to be real
Lovin' all this fake shit trash
Can't look like that
And when you're catched by that feel
Promises, who will sell you out
Love to hate
Feels good to be real
I've got a piece of mind, but those minds are closed
worth - érdemes
worse - rosszabb
world - világ
twice - kétszer
truth - igazság
trash - szemét
those - azok
talks - beszél
swallow - fecske
fakeness - fakeness
deserve - megérdemel
addictions - szenvedélybetegségek
faded - kifakult
evidence - bizonyíték
minds - elmék
river - folyó
feels - érzi
consequences - következményei
seems - Úgy tűnik,
closed - zárva
everything - minden
misfits - Misfits
every - minden
because - mert
people - emberek
always - mindig
blink - pislogás
breeds - fajták
catched - elkapott
death - halál
brand - márka
hollow - üreges
looks - úgy néz ki,
where - ahol
bizarre - bizarr
plastic - műanyag
overrated - túlértékelt
hurts - fáj
ignore - figyelmen kívül hagyni
names - nevek
sleeves - ujjak
landslide - földcsuszamlás
avoid - elkerül
deception - megtévesztés
harder - nehezebb
right - jobb
dollar - dollár
money - pénz
mistaken - téves
promises - ígér
nothing - semmi
piece - darab
check - jelölje be
others - mások
prescription - recept
makes - gyártmányú
protection - védelem
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