I wanna make money to take away my problems,

But my problems gettin' bigger with the more money I make

I wanna find love thats my problem, cause the money

makes it hard to tell the real from fake

I want to spend time with my son oh every hour

But the money and the problems and the women keep me away

I wanna be happy for just one hour, but the only time I'm happy

anymore is on the stage

I get drunk in the morning I dont look for afternoons

I dont care if tommorow never comes

I been pushed and kicked around it seems my whole life

now I'm tired lord I'm so damm tired inside.

(I think its time to get it on)

world - világ
tired - fáradt
think - gondol
thats - amit
waiting - várakozás
thank - köszönet
wanna - akarok
talking - beszél
stage - színpad
right - jobb
problems - problémák
people - emberek
problem - probléma
party - party
never - soha
music - zene
drunk - részeg
whole - egész
drink - ital
brain - agy
powder - por
cause - ok
feeling - érzés
afternoons - délutánonként
pushed - meglökött
morning - reggel
bigger - nagyobb
spend - tölt
cheap - olcsó
guitars - gitárok
around - körül
plays - játszik
fifth - ötödik
comes - jön
makes - gyártmányú
looking - keres
happy - boldog
women - nők
seems - Úgy tűnik,
motherfuckers - szemétládák
inside - belül
every - minden
anymore - többé
kicked - rúgott
money - pénz

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