
I've been on the cover of the Rolling Stone

I met the president when I was half stoned

I been so high I've gotten confused

I been beat down, broke and used


I drank with hank, talked blues with Billy

Rocked with Run sang with shotgun Willy

Went from small time philly to big time Bobby

From 3 day old chili to saki with wosabi

I'm home hey I'm home

You never met a motherfucker quite like me

Not like me, dida dada like me, hey like me

No more bein' poured drink specials at winners

Or being ignored by the think straight sinners

I used to smoke pinners while my moms made dinner

Now I smoke bombs and rock with Lynyrd skynyrd

No beginners here I'm a seasoned vet

Educated on jazz by my man Amed

Heard again my friend I been the world n back

But I'm Michigan boy can you feel that

And I'm home

You never met a motherfucker quite like me

woods - fák
winners - nyertesek
willy - Willy
while - míg
theres - ott
talked - beszélt
stoned - kövezett
spots - helyek
think - gondol
specials - Akciós
someone - valaki
skynyrd - skynyrd
sinners - bűnösök
smoke - füst
rolling - gördülő
quite - egészen
president - elnök
poured - öntött
pabst - Pabst
seasoned - fűszerezett
dinner - vacsora
depths - mélységben
could - tudott
small - kicsi
ignored - figyelmen kívül hagyja
through - keresztül
little - kicsit
chili - chili
confused - zavaros
world - világ
stone - kő
drink - ital
rocked - rázta
bombs - bombák
heard - hallott
straight - egyenes
motherfucker - köcsög
bobby - londoni rendőr
wanted - kívánatos
going - haladó
gonna - fog
cause - ok
blues - blues
adapt - alkalmazkodni
black - fekete
gotten - ütött
drank - ivott
thats - amit
might - esetleg
dixie - csajka
broke - törött
proud - büszke
blonde - szőke
being - lény
friend - barát
believe - hinni
shotgun - sörétes puska
billy - fütykösbot
already - már
cover - borító
michigan - michigan
bitch - kurva
drops - cseppek
educated - művelt
thought - gondolat
shits - szarik
philly - Philly
greed - kapzsiság
guitar - gitár
situations - helyzetek
living - élő
lynyrd - Lynyrd
glory - dicsőség
mother - anya
beginners - kezdőknek
nation - nemzet
never - soha
hahaha - hahaha
again - újra
northern - északi

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