I was driving out to meet you that night

Getting reports on the weather

You were coming home, had caught the last flight

But we would soon be together

You'd been gone such a long time

When my radio gave the warning

Chaos at the airport tonight, something ain' t right

No-one can land in the weather

Planes are crashing out of control

And all in all I think you've lost him forever

Looking up I started searching the skies

Was he still up there above me

Was the man who'd waved a million goodbyes

Now just a stranger who loved me

would - lenne
wheels - kerekek
weather - időjárás
warning - figyelem
touching - megható
tonight - ma este
planes - síkok
flight - repülési
drove - hajtott, vezetett
terminal - terminál
forever - örökké
darkness - sötétség
goodbyes - búcsúzás
above - felett
around - körül
skies - égbolt
ground - talaj
recurring - ismétlődő
something - valami
think - gondol
approaching - közeledik
airport - repülőtér
caught - elkapott
getting - szerzés
could - tudott
heard - hallott
chaos - káosz
coming - eljövetel
searching - kutató
death - halál
great - nagy
control - ellenőrzés
driving - vezetés
crashing - összeomlik
still - még mindig
looked - nézett
waved - hullámos
hovered - lebegett
started - indult
landing - leszállás
looking - keres
explosion - robbanás
loved - szeretett
million - millió
night - éjszaka
radio - rádió
reach - elér
there - ott
reports - jelentések
lights - lámpák
right - jobb
turning - fordítás
stranger - idegen
until - amíg
together - együtt

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