On the following friday as I turned out the light
Grandma' came and knocked at My door
"Wake up King, wake up My dear
I am gonna show You about the house of Amon"
It is time for tea, it is time again
"Even Your mother is present
We made her sleep in My rocking chair"
At first I felt really scared
but there was no reason to
As I saw the knife
sneaking out from Grandmother's dress
Then it cut a tiny wound
in My mother's little hand
It is time for tea, it is time again
wound - seb
warmth - melegség
turned - fordult
there - ott
knife - kés
about - ról ről
telling - sokatmondó
heard - hallott
running - futás
stories - történetek
heavenly - mennyei
matter - ügy
friday - péntek
following - következő
again - újra
their - azok
exist - létezik
describe - leírni
blood - vér
house - ház
first - első
hearing - meghallgatás
scared - megrémült
really - igazán
chair - szék
earth - Föld
dress - ruha
feeling - érzés
takes - vesz
dream - álom
learn - tanul
reason - ok
guitar - gitár
knocked - bekopogott
anymore - többé
laugh - nevetés
laughed - nevetett
light - fény
beyond - túl
little - kicsit
mother - anya
never - soha
nothing - semmi
paradise - paradicsom
present - ajándék
gonna - fog
sleep - alvás
rocking - hintaszék
seemed - úgy tűnt
sneaking - alattomos
tears - könnyek
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