Vanessa's father, he liked to be alone
Creating works of art, which he'd paint in a cottage made of stone
One day I crept inside, and I was unaware
of what I was gong to find, well the pictures they opened up my mind.
I saw sculptures of young lovers intertwined,
And on their bodies he had signed his name,
And so I left that place, with a different look upon my face.
Well I was fifteen and he had a certain charm,
The way he smiled at me and the way that he'd gently touch my arm,
And somehow we would always be alone
When it was time to take me home
And so we'd speed through the countryside
In his convertible we'd ride
Vanessa's father, was driving me home at night,
And I never said a word, oh but somehow we just got here,
Her father, was driving me home at night,
And when I think back to then,
I would count the days til I could go there again,
vanessa - vanessa
unaware - tudatában
touch - érintés
through - keresztül
thoughts - gondolatok
thought - gondolat
weekend - hétvége
these - ezek
there - ott
their - azok
strange - furcsa
stared - bámult
smoke - füst
smiles - mosolyog
signed - aláírt
sensual - érzéki
sends - küld
seems - Úgy tűnik,
would - lenne
sculptures - szobrok
really - igazán
pushed - meglökött
planned - tervezett
looked - nézett
stone - kő
regret - megbánás
creating - létrehozása
thousand - ezer
secretly - titkosan
cigarette - cigaretta
cottage - kunyhó
clear - egyértelmű
lovers - szerelmeseinek
charm - báj
certain - bizonyos
shaft - nyél
could - tudott
driving - vezetés
always - mindig
present - ajándék
night - éjszaka
smiled - Mosolygott
alone - egyedül
light - fény
which - melyik
think - gondol
against - ellen
again - újra
kissed - megcsókolta
bitch - kurva
backwards - visszafelé
qualities - adottságok
countryside - vidéki táj
works - művek
count - számol
convertible - átváltható
painted - festett
bodies - testületek
stood - állt
speed - sebesség
cause - ok
times - alkalommal
different - különböző
everything - minden
cried - kiáltott
fifteen - tizenöt
breathed - lélegzett
father - apa
gently - gyengéden
smiling - mosolygás
going - haladó
intertwined - összefonódó
history - történelem
husband - férj
crept - lopódzott
married - házas
inside - belül
sleeping - alvás
liked - tetszett
young - fiatal
never - soha
opened - nyitott
paint - festék
somehow - valahogy
pictures - képek
another - egy másik
place - hely
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