Been Dazed and Confused for so long it´s not true.
Wanted a woman, never bargained for you.
Lots of people talking and few of them know,
soul of a woman was created below.
You hurt and abuse tellin´ all of your lies.
Run around sweet baby, Lord how they hypnotize.
earned - szerzett
confused - zavaros
again - újra
created - készítette
bargained - alkudott
dazed - kábult
bringin - behoz
hypnotize - hipnotizál
abuse - visszaélés
below - lent
around - körül
every - minden
gonna - fog
never - soha
little - kicsit
people - emberek
sweet - édes
talking - beszél
tellin - tellin
where - ahol
woman - nő
tongue - nyelv
wanted - kívánatos
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