Hey, fellas, have ya heard the news

Ya know that Annie's back in town

It won't take long, just watch and see

all the fellas lay their money down

Her style is new but the pay's the same as it was so long ago

But from her eyes a different smile like of the one who knows

Well it's been ten years or maybe more

since I first set eyes on you

The best years of my life gone by, here I am alone and blue

wicked - gonosz
years - évek
where - ahol
unwind - legombolyít
tried - megpróbálta
times - alkalommal
thousand - ezer
thing - dolog
style - stílus
first - első
another - egy másik
above - felett
along - mentén
abuse - visszaélés
heartbreaker - szívtörő
watch - néz
alone - egyedül
around - körül
different - különböző
smile - mosoly
fellas - fiúk
however - azonban
heard - hallott
please - kérem
heart - szív
knows - tudja
their - azok
maybe - talán
clarify - tisztázni
saved - mentett
grace - kegyelem
money - pénz
people - emberek
since - mivel

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