I'm in love with a beauty
She is a cutie
Somebody say they saw us kissin' in da movies
We had a drink or two
We saw Rush Hour Two
Then we went home and we made our own movie
Lights Camera Action ya dig?
Lights Camera Action ya dig?
It's showtime, it's showtime, show me yours show you mine
[verse 1]
Like OoOoOo it's goin' down in dis bitch
Like a boxer in the first round in dis bitch
1-800 I would dicky down in dis bitch
Uptown in dis bitch don't make a sound in dis shhhhh
Now let me whisper in ya ear every single word your little ear wanna hear
Flip ya body over have no fear
Can I put my tongue here until you tear?
Cry baby cry baby suck ya momma titty
You know I like dem old I might have yo momma with me
I like your girlfriend and your girlfriendses
Honor my pole like a flag on da end bitch
[Chorus: x2]
yours - a tiéd
would - lenne
whisper - suttogás
waist - derék
until - amíg
titty - titty
teach - tanít
swingers - Swingers
while - míg
single - egyetlen
showtime - Showtime
uptown - kint
talkin - Talkin
shake - ráz
worry - aggodalom
stanky - obskurny
skeet - skeet
pussy - punci
poppin - poppin
place - hely
planning - tervezés
front - elülső
every - minden
dicky - gyenge
these - ezek
gotta - kell
chorus - énekkar
walkin - besétál
below - lent
funky - beijedt
somebody - valaki
round - kerek
boxer - bokszoló
sound - hang
about - ról ről
tryna - tryna
nikes - nikes
forgets - elfelejti
dance - tánc
cause - ok
better - jobb
cutie - szivi
features - jellemzők
bitch - kurva
tongue - nyelv
crazy - őrült
handstand - kézenállás
keepin - keepin
honor - becsület
beauty - szépség
shirts - ingek
funny - vicces
wanna - akarok
first - első
gates - kapuk
squirt - spriccel
camera - kamera
heard - hallott
super - szuper
stank - pocsolya
likes - kedvel
glass - üveg
knees - térd
rapper - repper
pills - pirula
girlfriend - barátnő
lights - lámpák
check - jelölje be
little - kicsit
looking - keres
verse - vers
might - esetleg
action - akció
momma - mama
drink - ital
movie - film
movies - filmek
nigga - nigger
prolly - prolly
outfit - felszerelés
never - soha
pants - nadrág
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