When the day's over and I have a second to myself

I lie on the sofa watching TV

Get on the computer and start checking up on everyone else

On everyone else

Looking at all the pictures

Up to all sorts of mischief

Some of them are ridiculous

Everything's there to see

Everyone looks so wasted

Totally off their faces

I feel so isolated

Everyone there but me

Why does it feel like I'm missing something?

"Been there and done that" was good for nothing

Everything's perfect, yeah I'm as content as can be

This is the life for me (This is the life for me, yeah)

Tell me I'm normal for feeling like this

It's a bit early for a midlife crisis

totally - teljesen
there - ott
honey - édesem
something - valami
think - gondol
honestly - őszintén
hardly - alig
cause - ok
faces - arcok
please - kérem
everyone - mindenki
myself - magamat
bored - unott
energy - energia
isolated - izolált
their - azok
early - korai
content - tartalom
crisis - válság
feeling - érzés
actually - tulajdonképpen
checking - ellenőrzése
night - éjszaka
complaining - panaszkodik
taken - tett
looking - keres
perfect - tökéletes
computer - számítógép
sometimes - néha
start - rajt
looks - úgy néz ki,
could - tudott
nostalgic - hazavágyó
second - második
might - esetleg
truth - igazság
mischief - baj
missing - hiányzó
watching - nézni
midlife - midlife
never - soha
normal - normál
wasted - elpazarolt
being - lény
nothing - semmi
complete - teljes
ridiculous - nevetséges
pictures - képek
slept - aludt
sorts - fajta

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