(T. Stinson/ C. Lindesay)
I come home from work and have a glass of wine
Kick off my shoes and wait on you
Well it's way past dawn and your still gone
Where in the world is my boo?
See I was fallin' asleep and you were creeping in
I never would have noticed until when
Until I smelt perfume, the kind I do not wear
My baby's been messin' around again
You shouldn't have done me babe
Now watch what I do to you
would - lenne
understand - megért
world - világ
turning - fordítás
today - ma
where - ahol
thought - gondolat
thinking - gondolkodás
stinson -
creeping - kúszó
could - tudott
asleep - alva
coming - eljövetel
chorus - énekkar
never - soha
child - gyermek
knees - térd
really - igazán
until - amíg
around - körül
glass - üveg
begging - könyörgés
rather - inkább
loved - szeretett
noticed - észrevette
perfume - parfüm
please - kérem
watch - néz
alone - egyedül
shoes - cipő
proved - bizonyított
still - még mindig
again - újra
smelt - olvasztás
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